Some of the songs are Jewish songs. Some are Jewish prayers. Some are love songs. Some are childrens songs. Some of the songs are Csárdás (pronounced char-dahsh). Malvina may have learned it in town and also from the gypsy musicians who played music in her mother's restaurant in Trebisov. She points out the sources of some of these songs and what they meant to her.
Armin composed:
Bo Prievidze
Bo Prievidze Yesh Li Na'ara Yafa, sh'shaymu Leah.
"In Prievidze, there is a beautiful girl, her name is Leah."
Boker, boker, boker, boker, boker.
Boker, boker, boker, boker, ba.
Boker bah, L'avodah.
Boker bah, L'avodah.
Boker, boker, ba.
"Morning, morning (etc), morning comes. Morning comes, to work. Morning comes."
HaBima performed their song, "Yosel" to this famous tune..
Lichu Dodi Likras Kalu - Friday night liturgy
Lichu Doki likras kalu, p'nei Shabbos nikabelu.
Modeh Ani - Prayer said upon arising (found in the prayerbook)
Moydeh ani l’funechu Melech chai v'keiyum she'chezartu bi nishmusi, bechemlu rabu emunoseichu selu.
Shuloym Aleichem - Friday night song
Shuloym aleichem, malachei ha’shuloym,
Mee’Melech Malachei Ha’Mluchim, Mee’Melech Mal’chei Ha’Mluchim,
HaKudoysh Bureech He.
Peace to you, Angels of Peace,
The Holy One, Blessed Be He.
This is a special song. Malvina, my mother, wrote these beautiful lullaby lyrics to a popular song at the time.
Heililulilu, heililulilu,
Shluf mein teiere shefele, macht dir tzi deine sheine oygele,
shluf mein kind, shluf mein teiere kind
bei den kepele der malach wacht.
Heililulilu, Heililulilu,
Sleep my dear little sheep, Close your beautiful eyes,
Sleep my child, sleep my dear child,
By your little head the angel guards you (watches).
Heint is Purim
Heint is Purim.
Today is Purim.
From Malvina's youth, on Purim, in Trebisov.
Hob ich a meidele
Hob ich a meidele
Ist zi a muun.
Nivu zoll ach mit der tun.
Vi a shidelchel ist zi klein
"And" tzi boyelach vil tzi gein.
"And" tzi boyelach vil tzi leichen
"Candies, candies" ____ keifen.
I have a little meidel (girl/daughter)
She is (as small as) a poppy seed.
For a match (shiduch) she is small.
And she wantds to go after the boys.
And to the boys she wants to __
To sell them candies, candies.
brother-in-law, cantor sang:
Hob ich mir gekoyft
Hob ich mir gekoyft a shefele kleine
un hob ich mir nish essen tzi geben.
in du shefela ba ba
in du shefela ba ba
I bought myself a little lamb
and I don't have food to give him.
And the little lamb (is hungry so he) says, “Bah, bah.”
when the habima was in my place at the time, cigarette koclche¬
kinde habst mit mier a schtikele rachmunes.
Mama com tzurik
Mama com tzurik come ich will Dieh sehn
Ven du comst nicht jezt tzurick tzu mir, da geh ich zu dier.
So erteit wie ein Stein
Herst du den nich mein Geshrei son arbitert wiv ein stein.
Die Gasse ist Schwarz mit Menchen lieben und totter Wagchn schtäht
Die alte weiher weinen sehr un Manes den traurig schteen und das Kind nur immer so es sagt.
Mama kome zurik kom ich will dich sehn.
Wan du kommst nich zurik
dan geh ich zu dir.
Mother, come back, __
If you don't come back now to me, I am going to you.
So it is like a __ stone.
You don't hear my cry , ___
The street is dark with people __
Mother come back to me
If you don't come back to me, I am going to you.
Mizrach du
Mizrach du,
Mizrach dort.
Oy! Vi ken men Dich gefinen? Riboyno Shel Oylom?
East (East to Jerusalem) is here.
Oy! Where can I find You, Master of the world?
Ot azoy neitish shneider
Ot azoy neitish shneider
Ot azoy neiter doch.
Neite Neite gantze voch
Mita a gilder mit a loch.
Ot azoy neitish shneider
Ot azoy neiter doch.
He sews and sews all the week
for a "coin" with a hole in it.
Oy de rebbetsin...
Oy vay Mamineu
"Oy vay Mamineu
Oy vay Tatineu
Der chosen vill mir kishen."
"Nem ein shtekele
Tzerbrech zein kepele
Un mach nish gurnist vissen."
"Oy vay Mommy, Oy vay Daddy,
The chusen (fiance/bridegroom) wants to kiss me!"
"Take a stick, break his head,
and make like nothing happened."
Ven Der Rebbe
Ven der rebbe est, ven der rebbe est, essen alle chassidim. (2x)
Ven der rebbe lacht, ven der rebbe lacht, lachen alle chassidim. (2x)
Ven der rebbe tantz, ven der rebbe tantz, tantzen alle chassidim. (2x)
Ven der rebbe redt, ven der rebbe redt, shlufen alle chassidim. (2x)
When the rebbe eats, all the chasids eat.
When the rebbe laughs, all the chasids laugh.
When the rebbe dances, all the chasids dance.
When the rebbe speaks (sermon), all the chasids sleep.
Vir chalutzim.
Vir chalutzim. Vir chalutzim.
Vir arbeiten in kibbutzim.
Mit unze shtarker hand
Fur unzer Faterland.
In der heilig land.
bom velln __ das jiddishe land.
We’re (Jewish) pioneers! We’re pioneers!
We’re working in kibbutzes.
With our strong hand
For our Fatherland.
In the holy land.
Vu ist dus gessele
Vu ist dus gessele?
Vu ist dus shteeb?
Vu ist das meidele vos ich hob leeb?
Du ist dus gessele.
Du is dus shteeb.
Duy ist das meidele vos ich hob leeb.
Where is the little street?
Where is the little house?
Where is the young girl, whom I love?
Here is the little street.
Here is the little house.
Here is the young girl, whom I love.
Vyl Ich bin a Yiddeleh
Vyl ich bin a yiddeleh a shtikele parnuse
kumt a raj der Exekuter in sugt di bist a Rushe.
While I am a little Jew, a little livelihood,
Comes along the ___ and says you are a rasha (bad person).
Vyl Ich Bin a Yiddeleh
Vyl ich bin a Yiddeleh
Ich zing ___ lideleh.
Zitz Di Mamalu
Zitz di mamelu bei den kleine kleine betele
Zitz di mame in weind bei dein kleine kleine betele
leig dus kind crank, kleinitshke betele
oy yo yo, hi li lulilu
by den kepela, sitz di mame in wiend
shlufe mine tiere tiere shafele, singst di miter
Zog Nit Kein Mol -- The Hymn of the Partisans
Zog nit kein mol az du geist dem letstn teg.
Chotsh himlen blayene farshteln bloye teg
Kumen vet noch undzer oysgebenkte sho
Es vet a poyk ton undzer trot - mir zeinen do!
Never say that you are going on your last way
Through lead-filled skies above blot out the blue day
The hour which we long for shall yet come
The earth shall sound beneath our step - we are here!
She heard this song after the war in Europe.
Akácos út
Akácos út – szegány
__ Street - gypsy
Creolla Bizony
Creolla bizony Isten nem csoda hogy a szivem mind oda etc. .
Creole woman, is it not a wonder . . . .
Oh mystery of love, Where can I find you?
__ of the secret of it all.
Because there is only love that can survive.
Csiri csiri - (a Hungarian children's song)
Csiri csiri csiri csiri csi
Csiri csiri csiri csi
Nincs othon a cica
Senkitöl sem fél.
Édes Anyam
Édes anyam faj a szivem,
éjel napal gondolok a Babámra.
Mesze van a Nyiregyhazi Kaszárnya.
Dear Mother, my heart hurts,
Day and night I think of my doll (love).
The town (where my love is) Nyiredgyhazi is far away.
Édes drága (Czardas)
Édes drága, kis angyalom,
miért is szeretlek oj nagyon?
Retzetze, retzetze, gálambom.
Precious dear, my little angel,
Why do I love you so much?
Hawaii leany (I think this is from an opera.)
Hawaii leany, te vagy a elsö nagy serelmem
te vagy a szerem lelkem
Hawaii girl, you are my first great love.
La vie en rose. ??
Madár vigan
Madár vigan dalol a lombos ágon
njárish di csókrol szomyosha számom este
minden minden ailish
cimmel ismerik
The bird is happily singing on a branch.
In the summer evening, my lips thirsty for a kiss
everything in the big wide world, summery evening,
"This is from the war, from those three prostitutes. 'The bird is happily singing on the tree.' . . . I loved that song they were singing it all the time. it was such
a beautiful melody." Malvina
(Javor Pal - YouTube) Gyevoscha, film of 1941)
Mikor Mentem (children's chant)
Mirkor mentem, akor mentem, Kosuty vasára,
Cirke paprikást és krumply gulyást,
ettem vascorára.
At the time when I ate, when I ate, in Kosuty village,
Chicken paprikash, potato goulash, I ate for supper.
Mókuska, mókuska (popular Hungarian children's song)
Mókuska, mókuska, felmászott a fára.
Leesett, leesett, kitöröt a lába. (or feltörött a lába)
"Doctor bácsi, mit visz ákorsárba?"
"Orvoságot mókuska lábárom."
Little squirrel, little squirrel, fell from a tree,
"Doctor, What are you carrying in the basket?"
"Medicine for the squirrel’s feet."
(I've seen it with some other words. this is the way she sang it and told it to me.)
Nagy a feje, búsúlon a ló. (a Hungarian saying)
Nagy a feje, búsúlon a ló.
The horse's head is big, ___
Nyom mega gomba (A Hungarian children's song)
Nyom mega gomba (or meta?)
Csak egy kicsi gomba - -
Tudod mit egértél
A mikor a tudjno
Viszet meritetél
Presss down on the button.
It's just a small button.
"I was staying with the three prostitute daughters. They were cheer¬ful. She was singing always":
roza ... mikor .. mindent.. szep
roza ....... mindent
Sütemény - cake __ sutemény
Szép a Rózsám - (Csárdás)
Szép a rózsám, nincs hibája,
Ruganyos a járása, yatatatatatata
My sweetheart (my rose) is beautiful. she has no faults,
Her walk is brisk, yatatatatata.
Szép Tó
Szép tó, tiszta tó
Meljben az éjlet vissze harod. (or, vize arad)
Hozt vissza vissza had,(or, add vissza nekem ot)
szép szerelmes Juliskam. (or Ilushkam) (or, juliskamat)
-- Petöfi Sandor. and he wrote it. "He was a poet, they made a movie out of it."
Beautiful lake, clean lake,
Beautiful, my love, Yuli.
Szol a Kakas Már
Szol a kakas már
majd megvirul már
sargo lábu gyöngy a szárnya
engem odo várj.
Vájr, babám, várj.
Csak egy kicsit vájr.
Ha az Ishten nekem rendelt
enyém leszel már.
“The rooster is singing already (like the early morning). It shall be flowery already, yellow feet, pearls for wings. He waits for me there. Wait, my sweetheart, wait. Just wait a little longer. If God ordains it for me then you shall be already mine.”
“The rooster is crowing. The dawn is coming. (Soon it shall be daylight)
in the green field, in the flat field..”
Szomaru vasarnaje
Szomaru vasarnaje
Tánuj még fiacskám
Tánuj még fiacskám komedijázni
Tánuj még kacagni sirni ha kel.
Tánulj mea a roszhosz is jó képet vagni
Mert az egész világ csak egy comedia.
Learn, my son, how to be comical.
Learn how to make a good picture ___
Because the whole world is just a comedy.
Tel Aviv, O Tel Aviv
Tel Aviv, O Tel Aviv
Szivem mindég visza
Szép von eger nagy lialy
Nekem mint drágam
Sevade nekem
Nagy világ
A Tel Aviv menetak
Es figon éjljetek. (live)
My heart longs always back to you.
You are more beautiful to me, nicer to me, than the whole world.
Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv.
“Go to Israel and live happy.”
I would like to find the words to this song -- it was from the Holocaust times about longing for Jerusalem.
Suvit az szél
Kiszlev honap, éjel él
bent a lampa féjenél
Kislev honap _____
Jerusalayim, Jerusalayim,
Jerusalayim, Jerusalayim
An old grey man is sitting by the window.
__erek az éjlet
Nálam szeb szeretöt nem talász
miért vagy nagyon
"I used to love that song."
okot o shu
es e
oyon len mint ed serelmem
Ohn Bayadezrea megol erled a vagy kit a szivem kivan szebb vagy mint font arscilag eg, mely szivem erlet eg szivemben minden napsugare csak te legy.
Ag dish pri - she sang this all the time when we were young
Ag dish pri shla nedyela
Spom yem kusi nateba
Spom yem kusi moja draha
Jag jo somtja malarada.
When Sunday comes when I met you
how much I used to love you.
Agaty byle
Agaty byle šaluje vám
Nesmiernü bolestco v srdci mám
Odaslo štesti zostal som sám
Agaty byle, zaluji vám.
Čhervena modra
Čhervena modra, fi ala, fi ala? ? ? desi la purhala, purhala,
“That was one song in the pre-school and . . . “
Čo sa my môže
Čo sa my môže
Keď Leašku ja mámam rad.
Nie je taký menoci čo bych mezdolál.
A keď ma opustiš slzy sve zarosiš
A potom pride len,
Bohátstvo same len a to dvoja mldost ako shady tien.
(Tibor’s song)
Ego meyi miyi meh (a children's counting song - like for tag, whos "it.")
Ego meyi miyi meh (Latin words)
Vityalime skocheleh
Mik Mak mok
Malcrivi bok.
Išol Janko srác
Išol Janko srác.
Dal sebi zahrac.
Kus papieru
Vitric dziru
Bo von išol srac.
"Janko went to ( shit / shat), he let himself play music, a little piece of paper, to
wipe his behind, because he went to (make poopy)."
"This was a child's tune. Solku was singing this song." Malvina
Masaryk Hymn (sung by Czech schoolchildren):
Či znáte muža ktory v szdci v duši. Svoj narod nosi o,od malá. Ktoremú zato právom služi. Čest uctá a láska, a hlučna pochvala. Či znate ho?/ to on to-o-o Tatiček Masaryk. Tatiček Masaryk.
Do you know the man who is heart and soul, his nation carried
from childhood. Whom therefore rightfully owes him honor and
love, noise Thankfulness. Do you know him? Father Masaryk.
Proč Bychom Se Netĕišili - (from the Czech opera, “Predaná Nevĕsta,” “The Sold Bride” by Czech
composer, Bedrich Smetana)
Proč bychom se netĕišili. Proč bychom se netĕišili.
Proč gdish nam pan Boch zdravi da zdravi da Predaná nevĕsta.
Let us rejoice and be happy.
If God gives us health, why shouldn’t we be happy?
Malvina used to sing this song with Ned on the phone, she in America, and he in Israel.
Tantzuj, tantzuj (Czech children's song - we sang and danced to it when we
Tantzuj, tantzuj, vycrucsy, vycrucsy
lenmi pecku nezrutzei nezrutzei
pectka dobra nazimu, nazimu
kazsdi nema perinu, perinu.
Lalalalalala, lalalalalala …
Dance, dance, go in circles, go in circles,
Bay Valo Valo
Bay valo valo, Bay valo valo
Štávaj Ďurko! (This may have been some verses that were memorized in school for the children to learn and recite.)
Štávaj Ďurko! Matka kňemu už po tretie vrány, ale Ďurkovi je dobré, on sa hluchin správy. I išla matka do kuchyne a vzalá krčach vody a vlalia mu priam do oči.
I vyskočil so ako jeleň a dal sa do plaču vidís Ďurko? Tak sa bystry chlapci skáču.
“Wake up!” Mother already called three times. But Ďurko makes
himself that he can’t hear. So Mother goes in the kitchen, takes a jar
of water and pours it straight in his eyes. He jumps out like a goat
and starts to cry. “You see, Ďurko, that’s how the brave boys jump
ODDS and ENDS (until German)
vecher stronvi
mia mila
koori koori
peasant's song, czardas folk dance, very popular
ked be sumra nebula - to be kurva
If I wouldn't be beautiful I couldn't be a prostitute.
sirushka mila a tag na
lape, topos skina, kr
prečzi nits tak rycitlo pustilas.
čomu čo mila, is na roli zhnila.
Breco si nas tak rycho opustela poly comu čmile. Gj na poly shnile.
Vierkku už truby
do tmi kamarat
3 dni by ma stalo
radsy idem spať, etc.
Kdyo večer nad Prahon etc.
A jaka si moja mila mi loserna
Tocilo sa jablko
Davno tomu je co sme sa lučily
vadzila se notaruška z birovom
Ya sviga erden damy klory ževe
Ktoru am rád
Snow Blanket.
Vén diofa etc. Budapest (opera)
Zima (poem)
Tak razom zima priskočila, etc.
Slovak - chia?
I think there was a song about Trebisov -- or others put their town instead in the song -- wasn't meant just Trebisov.
Anögen di Magen die Scharzen (Opera)
Wo du nicht bist
Kann ich nicht zein
So vie d Blume welkt
Wevn su nicht küsst
Di Sonnnenshein
Deint is mein ganzes
Weil dass all red
Oh, sag Zein for dir
Du hed Hebe bighluht.
Meine engengen Lied.
Mich lieb
Eine Nacht in Monte Carlo
Eine nacht in Monte Carlo
O __ Frühling
O __ Frühling
O Suzanna
O Suzanna, O di liebe Anna, Ist das mädchen noch so schön? (2x)
Trink ma noch a Flascher (2x) (or, a Flashceri Wein)
Ist das mädchen noch so schön.
O Suzanna, O you beautiful Anna, Isn't the maiden o so beautiful?
Isn't the maiden so beautiful?
O wie Verfuhrerisch (Regoletto opera by Verdi)
O wie Verfuhrerisch, sind Frauen Herzen,
zolen di lachen, mögen di Schärzen.
Rein, Rein ___
Unser Konigen is so schoen
Unser Konigen is so schoen.
Glanced vie Diamond, rain vie Gold.
"Our queen is so beautiful. Sparkles like diamonds and shines like gold. …
We have faith. There is too much bad in the world. We strive to improve."
A Purim song, about Queen Esther, from Trebisov
Trink, Trink, Bruderlein Trink
Trink, trink, bruderlein trink.
, ...tsu house,
dumm, dum, dum, ya ya ri. ta ri ra ra.
Drink, drink, brothers, drink.
Varoom Lachts Du Mona Lisa?
Varoom lachts du Mona Lisa?
Why do you smile, Mona Lisa?
Wo du nicht bist
Wo du nicht bist
Kann ich nicht zein
So vie d Blume welkt
Wevn su nicht küsst
Di Sonnnenshein
Deint is mein ganzes
Weil dass all red
Oh, sag Zein for dir
Du hed Hebe bighluht.
Meine engengen Lied.
Mich lieb
Wunderbar, ____ Wunderbar
Vo mann zich wunderbar.
______ Wunderbar. ___ Kuss en less.
Schiller or Goethe poem:
Ich hasse di Wankende Masse
Di sich von jeden Wind, bevagen lasst.
Russian (she wrote these letters in Slovak?)
This song the Russians sang when she rode back to Trebisov after the war on top of train:
Oči Ciarne ja
Oči ciarne ja, oči krasne ja
Dark eyes, beautiful eyes, ___
Volga (song about the Volga River)
Volga, Volga mati rodnaya
Volga, russkaya reka
Ne vidala ty podarka
Ot donskovo kazaka!
Volga, Volga, Mother Volga,
__ wide and deep beneath the sun,
such a present from the Cossack of the Don.
Malvina wrote the words herself of this beautiful song to a popular song:
Close your beautiful eyes.
Do like angels do.
Because you are my angel, too.
La cucaracha (Spanish with English words)
La cucaracha, la cucaracha
la, la, la, la, la, la, la
That's what she used to sing.
La cucaracha, la cucaracha,
Sing no matter where you are.
La cucaracha, la cucaracha,
Buy yourself your own guitar. :)